How to set what will be detected in Scan

ScanCode allows you to scan a codebase for license, copyright and other interesting information that can be discovered in files. The following options are available for detection when using ScanCode Toolkit:

Syntax Option Clue/Information
-c, –copyright Scan for copyrights. [default]
-l, –license Scan for licenses. [default]
-i, –info Scan for file information. [default]
-p, –package Scan for packages. [default]
-e, –email Scan for emails.
-u, –url Scan for urls.

The following examples will use the samples directory that is provided with the ScanCode Toolkit code. All examples will be saved in the html-app format, which is a dynamic, interactive html page. The other formats options are a JSON file and a static html file. See How to Run a Scan for more information.

Scan for all clues:

To scan for licenses, copyrights, urls, emails, package information, and file information

./scancode -clip -e -u --format html-app samples samples.html

Scan for emails and URLs:

./scancode -e -u --format html-app samples samples.html

Scan for package information:

./scancode -p --format html-app samples samples.html

Scan for file information:

./scancode -i --format html-app samples samples.html

To see more example scans:

./scancode --examples