Getting Help from the Command Line

Scancode-Toolkit Command Line Interface can help you to search for specific options or use cases from the command line itself. These are two options are --help and --examples, and are very helpful if you need a quick glance of the options or use cases. Or it can be useful when you can’t access the more elaborate online documentation.

Help text

The Scancode-Toolkit Command Line Interface has a Help option displaying all the options. It also displays basic usage, and some simple examples. The command line option for this is:

  • --help


You can also use the shorter -h option, which does the same.

For Linux based systems the full command is:

$ ./scancode --help

And for windows, it will be like:

$ scancode --help


Make sure you are in the Scancode Root Directory before carrying out this command. After extracting the .zip or file, the folder for Scancode-Toolkit version 2.1.1 will be named like “scancode-toolkit-2.2.1”.

The Following Help Text is displayed, i.e. this is the help text for Scancode Version 2.2.1

Usage: scancode [OPTIONS] <input> <output_file>

  scan the <input> file or directory for origin clues and license and
  save results to the <output_file>.

  The scan results are printed to stdout if <output_file> is not
  provided. Error and progress is printed to stderr.


    -c, --copyright              Scan <input> for copyrights. [default]
    -l, --license                Scan <input> for licenses. [default]
    -p, --package                Scan <input> for packages. [default]
    -e, --email                  Scan <input> for emails.
    -u, --url                    Scan <input> for urls.
    -i, --info                   Include information such as size, type,
    --license-score INTEGER      Do not return license matches with scores
                                 lower than this score. A number between 0
                                 and 100.  [default: 0]
    --license-text               Include the detected licenses matched
                                 text. Has no effect unless --license is
    --license-url-template TEXT  Set the template URL used for the license
                                 reference URLs. In a template URL, curly
                                 braces ({}) are replaced by the license
                                 key.  [default: https://enterprise.dejaco

    --strip-root           Strip the root directory segment of all paths.
                           The default is to always include the last
                           directory segment of the scanned path such that
                           all paths have a common root directory. This
                           cannot be combined with `--full-root` option.
    --full-root            Report full, absolute paths. The default is to
                           always include the last directory segment of
                           the scanned path such that all paths have a
                           common root directory. This cannot be combined
                           with the `--strip-root` option.
    -f, --format <format>  Set <output_file> format to one of: csv, html,
                           html-app, json, json-pp, jsonlines, spdx-rdf,
                           spdx-tv or use <format> as the path to a custom
                           template file  [default: json]
    --verbose              Print verbose file-by-file progress messages.
    --quiet                Do not print summary or progress messages.

    --ignore <pattern>  Ignore files matching <pattern>.

    --mark-source    Set the "is_source" flag to true for directories that
                     contain over 90% of source files as direct children.
                     Has no effect unless the --info scan is requested.
    --only-findings  Only return files or directories with findings for
                     the requested scans. Files and directories without
                     findings are omitted (not considering basic file
                     information as findings).

    --reindex-licenses  Force a check and possible reindexing of the
                        cached license index.

    -h, --help               Show this message and exit.
    -n, --processes INTEGER  Scan <input> using n parallel processes.
                             [default: 1]
    --examples               Show command examples and exit.
    --about                  Show information about ScanCode and licensing
                             and exit.
    --version                Show the version and exit.
    --diag                   Include additional diagnostic information
                             such as error messages or result details.
    --timeout FLOAT          Stop scanning a file if scanning takes longer
                             than a timeout in seconds.  [default: 120]

  Examples (use --examples for more):

  Scan the 'samples' directory for licenses and copyrights.
  Save scan results to a JSON file:

      scancode --format json samples scancode_result.json

  Scan the 'samples' directory for licenses and copyrights. Save scan results to
  an HTML app file for interactive web browser results navigation. Additional app
  files are saved to the 'myscan_files' directory:

      scancode --format html-app samples myscan.html

  Note: when you run scancode, a progress bar is displayed with a
  counter of the number of files processed. Use --verbose to display
  file-by-file progress.

Command Examples Text

The Scancode-Toolkit Command Line Interface has an examples option which displays some basic examples (more than the basic synopsis in --help). These examples include the following aspects of code scanning:

  • Scanning Single File/Directory
  • Output Scan results to stdout(as JSON) or HTML/JSON file
  • Scanning for only Copyrights/Licenses
  • Ignoring Files
  • Using GLOB Patterns to Scan Multiple Files
  • Using Verbose Mode

The command line option for displaying these basic examples is:

  • --examples

For Linux based systems the full command is:

$ ./scancode --examples

And for windows, it will be like:

$ scancode --examples

The Following Text is displayed, i.e. this is the examples for Scancode Version 2.2.1

Scancode command lines examples:

(Note for Windows: use '\' back slash instead of '/' forward slash for paths.)

Scan the 'samples' directory for licenses and copyrights. Save scan results to
an HTML app file for interactive scan results navigation. When the scan is done,
open 'scancode_result.html' in your web browser. Note that additional app files
are saved in a directory named 'scancode_result_files':

    scancode --format html-app samples/ scancode_result.html

Scan a directory for licenses and copyrights. Save scan results to an
HTML file:

    scancode --format html samples/zlib scancode_result.html

Scan a single file for copyrights. Print scan results to stdout as JSON:

    scancode --copyright samples/zlib/zlib.h

Scan a single file for licenses, print verbose progress to stderr as each
file is scanned. Save scan to a JSON file:

    scancode --license --verbose samples/zlib/zlib.h licenses.json

Scan a directory explicitly for licenses and copyrights. Redirect JSON scan
results to a file:

    scancode -f json -l -c samples/zlib/ > scan.json

Scan a directory while ignoring a single file. Print scan results to stdout as JSON:

    scancode --ignore README samples/

Scan a directory while ignoring all files with txt extension. Print scan results to
stdout as JSON (It is recommended to use quoted glob patterns to prevent pattern
expansion by the shell):

    scancode --ignore "*.txt" samples/

Special characters supported in GLOB pattern:
*       matches everything
?       matches any single character
[seq]   matches any character in seq
[!seq]  matches any character not in seq

For a literal match, wrap the meta-characters in brackets. For example, '[?]' matches the character '?'.
For glob see

Note: Glob patterns cannot be applied to path as strings, for e.g.
    scancode --ignore "samples*licenses" samples/
will not ignore "samples/JGroups/licenses".

Scan a directory while ignoring multiple files (or glob patterns). Print the scan
results to stdout as JSON:

    scancode --ignore README --ignore "*.txt" samples/

To extract archives, see the 'extractcode' command instead.