Controlling Scancode Output and Filters

Output Control Options

--strip-root Strip the root directory segment of all paths.
--full-root Report full, absolute paths.


The options --strip-root and --full-root can’t be used together, i.e. any one option may be used in a single scan.


The default is to always include the last directory segment of the scanned path such that all paths have a common root directory.

--strip-root Vs. --full-root

For a default scan of the “samples” folder, this a comparision between the default, strip-root and full-root options.

These two changes only the “path” attribute of the file information. For this comparision we compare the “path” attributes of the file LICENSE inside JGroups directory. The paths are

The default

"path": "samples/JGroups/LICENSE",

For the --full-root option, the path relative to the Root of your local filesystem.

"path": "/home/ayansm/Desktop/GSoD/scancode-toolkit-versions/scancode-toolkit-2.2.1/samples/JGroups/LICENSE"

For the --strip-root option, the root directory (here samples) is removed from path :

"path": "JGroups/LICENSE"